so far

23 May

I said like at *least* a month ago that I was going to do some blog revisions, etc. Well you may have noticed that I have indeed done some. Unless you’re like me and you only read blogs that you have remembered to plug into Google Reader. Mah-velous thing that it is, it simply does not allow you to see most of the changes I’ve made. Bummer.

Listed after the colon at the end of this sentence are changes that I have made so far on my blog:

new theme/layout – I saw a little blip about a new theme called “Bueno” which sounded good (haha, get it? ok that was dumb) and I decided to try it. Turns out, it’s the same theme that my sister just put on her blog. As you may have guessed, her blog is one that I follow predominantly from Google Reader.

new background – After I made this background image, I realized that there was a much, much easier way of doing this. But sadly, this was my method. I made a giant white period (.) on a light orange background. Then I resized it by 300%, basically making it like 3x bigger. Then I put it on a tile mode so it would fill the background. And if you read this whole paragraph, I suggest getting a life. It may do you some good. Don’t ask what this paragraph says about to me though, seeing as I wrote the whole thing.

new self-pic in the side bar –  My mom took this picture of me in a fabric store in Philly. I have nothing further to add.

new header – I created this using Wordle, Photoshop, Twitter, and way too much time. Again, there was probably an easier way. But I got it done nonetheless. I used a tweet cloud thing to tell me what words I twitter most often. Then I manually took out people’s usernames and the boring words. Wordle is awesome. It did the rest of the work for me. I got the resulting butterfly shape. Results not typical. Please consult a physician before use. Keep out of reach of the computer illiterate. Stop use if an addiction occurs. Or a rash. Rashes aren’t fun. Please remain seated until the ride has come to a complete stop.

new tags – This was possibly the most time-consuming of all my changes. Up until now I’ve had a total of six categories, which includes one called “Uncategorized.” So I decided to do tags. So far I have 29. I’m trying to think of a 30th one. Not like I’m OCD about that or anything…. I’ve only got 48 posts on my blog (and I’ve had the blog since October of 2008 I think), and I’m still working on going through and adding corresponding tags. Craziness. And madness. And insanity. But I’m moving on. In fact, one of my tags is “life goes on,” which I thought was pretty clever.

Furthermore, my backspace key is still sticking since I blogged like a month ago. And some of the keys on my cell phone seem to be sticking too. Which has revealed something startling to me. What if it’s not the keys? What if my fingers are losing strength? What if sometime in my near future I will find myself unable to blog and text? What if my fingers become disjointed and move in the breeze like wind chimes? What if…? I refer you back to my tag – life goes on.

One Response to “so far”

  1. Anne May 24, 2010 at 5:35 am #

    You actually compelled me to get out of the comfort of my google reader and come over to the real blog! I did so and like it. :)

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